funky town video narco. El Blog del Narco presenta video de momento en que un hombre está siendo desmembrado vivo y, mientras grita de dolor, lo golpean en la cara con su propia pierna recién arrancada. funky town video narco

El Blog del Narco presenta video de momento en que un hombre está siendo desmembrado vivo y, mientras grita de dolor, lo golpean en la cara con su propia pierna recién arrancadafunky town video narco  Angola -Video of torture and burning of thieves

Yeah but why funky town is worse to me is because the dude was strapped up to a bloody iv pumping him with adrenaline. 83. Ul due an awful death you coward pigs. This dude is El Chapo's. I think I have a tough stomach and i’m extremely desensitized, with that being said, that video has been in my head for 2 days now. It was covered by Nylon 66'ers, Cokehead Hipsters, Chipper, World Domination Enterprises and other artists. It is widely believed to be one of the worst shock videos online. Your query will be matched against video names or descriptions, channel names. Brutal Tiktok Video Of An Ecuadorian Being Executed 2 929 5 2. That’s another one that gets repeated a lot on different subs. ALL MY LINKS - Buy Me A Coffee - SubscribeStar - Leader of Los Z (Z-40) put a baby in a microwave in front of the father (rival members). mikey5379a • 1 yr. the only reason that people link Funkytown to the student kidnappings is that one of the students had his face skinned, like the poor guy in the. Suscribete: el año 2011 surgió una de las ejecuciones en vídeo mas brutales que se hayan registrado. . very late response but basically what you do for any sub is you put the sub name in so in this case r/NSFL then quite simply put funky town after it. Chopping up the bodies of two gang men. But I can say Funkytown is the only video that actually made me feel sick. share. It's all about 2 minutes long and the song Funkytown by Lipps Inc. The background of the story is that he dated a cartel leaders daughter or something without his permission. Curious. More than 250 families from his town were massacred; they were all tied up and they were dismembered. Le cortan las piernas a la altura de las rodillas y luego lo golpean con sus. I did click out of curiosity. I used AI on the Funkytown video to translate what they're saying. . 506. Dogs tore off his genitals. Love2TheCore Member. They linked it so you good, but it was enough to write "funky town gore" or "funky town cartel" on Google. Funky Town Gore - The Worst Cartel Video On The Internet - I Watched It So You Don't Have To. The song was a unique part of the. . For all the people feeling bad for this guy, look up guerrero flaying he was one of the people responsible for that video in which they behead a father in front of his child and skin the child alive. Recuerda SuscribirteSalu3!A horrifying gore video that surfaced around 2016-2017. The strongest video where Viagras take the heart out of El Siri, the mayor of a rural community in this southern state has been singled out as an ally of one of the most violent cartels in Mexico. And 50 secs. Funky Town performed and programming byMarcus Nimblerwritten by Steve Greenbergplease visit :read a lot of Narco books, and the one thing they tend to have in common is the Zeta’s creative and awful torture/killing methods. . ago. Blog del Narco (Narco's Blog) is a citizen journalism blog that attempts to document the events of the Mexican drug war,. Megan Anderson Atlanta Hawks Los Angeles Lakers Boston Celtics Arsenal F. Dead Man Hanging On The Railing Of The Bridge. Read Article. Dead male Gore Gore Video Murder. After 50 seconds of torture, a cartel member slits the mans throat with a box cutter, but doesn't fully behead him. 465. share. The narcotics had an estimated street value of. Thanks for watching family :) and special t. Watch a man being dismembered alive with a chainsaw by cartel. 1 / 3. Todd & Barbara Kendhammer. 09. The 2nd largest drug lab ever seized in Guatemala belonged to him and EI Chapo, It produced 3 tons of drugs a month. Guerrero. Well from what people have said the song Funkytown was being played in the background. Meme Rap Liveleak Satire Execution Offensive. 364. Manuel Alejandro Aponte Gómez alias "El Bravo" was the head of security for El Chapo On April 9, 2014, "El Bravo" was tortured and shot several times. The Cartel War presents the following video. There’s literally nothing worse than that. And the face mask of a dead victim held chest high in both his hands. 4 006 4 3. 7 787 12 0. Well I talk about it talk about it talk about it talk about it. S. Here is the full videos of no mercy in mexico, may these two rest in peace. 3,813. Thanks!What are some of the most hideous torture methods used by Mexican drug cartels?Provided to YouTube by Universal Music GroupFunkytown · Lipps Inc. One of the horrible crimes uncovered in the Blog Del Narco, which typically highlights the bloody and violent episodes and errors of the drug trade and cartel crimes, is No mercy in mexico. released it on the album Ultimate Disco Hits of the 70's and 80's Box Set in 2010. An adaptation is a musical work, which uses elements (music or lyrics) from another musical work. Mixy Padilla lo descubrió de la manera más brutal posible, convirtiéndose. GoreSee is a hub for gore videos. Seriously, don’t read the res. 3B viewsDiscover short videos related to funky town video on TikTok. Funkytown by The Hit Co. Cicada33024 • 7 mo. Check out the video!Funky Town by Pseudo Echo was written by Steven Greenberg and was first released by Lipps, Inc. He said he got his name popeye cause he was in the navy in Colombia and his neighbor saw him in his full uniform and said hey look it’s popeye el Marino!Aquí está el video completo del hombre sin rostro pidiendo agua a un sicario. Then in February of 2021, a video known either simply as "Hi" or "Narco Football" dropped, and BOY do them tiles look familiar. 3 005 10 1. Video, which was uploaded sometime around 2017. Curious. Other face skinning/skinning examples aside from funky town or “I want water”boy? I’ve searched for photos and the faces stitched to footballs were really the only ones I saw. Nope. Contents. . Funkytown. The longest version of funky town was 2min and 50 seconds. Red skull cosplay. ConversationOne video, put up by the Los Zetas gang in 2012 and disseminated on popular blogs and websites that track “narco killings”, begins with a woman decapitating a man while still alive. The video shows. "Funky town gore" FUNKY TOWN - TeacherZaldy. En esta región de tierra caliente, el vídeo fue acompañado por un mensaje que dice textualmente: HABER GALLOS DESPLUMADOS, CHANDAS, CJNG MENCHOS , PEPE MENDEZ, ENCENIZADOS, ARABE´S, Piensenle putos si se kieren meter ban a cabar como esta gallina de rancho “ponedora” asi ban a terminar putos la plaza tiene. After being threatened, the victim tried to flee the border city of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, but was not able to outrun the criminal organization. 309. Technical_Fox_8660 • 2 yr. Cant listen to thank song anymore without that. April, 2020 This video was posted by the mexican cartel CJNG(cartel jalisco nueva generación), the victim without face was a member of another cartel, the person who filmed the video was Fabián Urbino Morales a member of CJNG, most known as "El payaso", he was given this nickname because he used to work in a circus, the status of the man is. Video fuerte donde gente de “El R5” se burlan y muestran sicarios del Cartel. In this episode I paint you a vivid picture of everyth…#WhatIsATubgirl #TubeGirl #TubgirlTrend TUBGIRL ANAL BLAST ORIGINAL FULL VIDEO Download Now 📥 what is a tubgirl tube girl tubgirl trend tubgirl это tubgirl reaction jasminewhite403 what does tubgirl mean tubgirl перевод tubgirl что это the original tubgirl что такое tubgirl jasmine white 430 tub gurl tubgirl це bowl girl tubgirl meaning. @[email protected] will list the matching channel; URL will list the matching channel; UUID will list the matching video; Publish. Lot of them are a quick beheading But the rest. Ghost rider is a guy getting his face burn off. Sponsored by Adidas is a shock video that was first posted on elblogdelnarco. He's prob some innocent person off the streets but cos their fkn idiots they find fun in torturing anyone whose alone unable to defend themselves, ROT in hell you mother fkn pigs. 2. Funky town has to be them. El Toro Blanco 1 December 2021 09:50. Era tiktoker y sicaria del Cartel del Golfo, así fue el violento final de Mixy Padilla. It’s apparently a clip of a CJNG member cutting someone open and eating a piece of there heart. The man is. share. Hola Walkers lo que nos cita hoy es el infame video de Funky Town G*R3, el supuesto video más fuerte de internet. In this episode I paint you a vivid picture of everything that happens. 9. Stop reading here if you are squeamish. The part where he finally gets his hand free and tries to assess the damage to his face, only to realize he forgot he lost his hand too. Tagged: Crime Videos. Un asesinato que nos vino a esc. Y es que un sádico sicario le quitaba la piel del rostro a un hombre que pide agua, quien ya se observa no tiene su cara. . Sharing of these videos serv. His sexy lower half was severed by an accident. So he wouldn’t pass out and is conscious throughout and can feel everything they’re doing to him. The footage shows a masked man. in 1979. Posted by 6 days ago. Video Sicarios; Photograph Cartel Members ; r/NarcoFootage Rules. Designed and Developed by. in 1979. Funkytown℗ 1979 The Island Def Jam Music GroupReleased on: 2003-01-01Producer: Steven Green. – Sicarios del ‘Mayo’ Zambada le sacaron el corazón a un menor de edad y decapitaron a otro hombre en tierras guerrerenses. There's been a couple videos of people getting their chest and abdomen skinned/filleted off while they're still alive. Drug dealer is smashed hands with a hammer. Where open gunfights were the norm, now the targeting of individual enemies and gruesome mutilations are occurring. 17 Sep 2019 0. Your query will be matched against video names or descriptions, channel names. In a recent video that is as bloody as it is shocking and horrible, hitmen from La Familia Michoacana stab and skin a member of the rival CJNG cartel alive. Brie Larson and Samuel L. Jun 27, 2023 #3This is the funky town video. I don’t even remember. r/PixelArt. Those are pretty rough since the victim is aware and watching it happen. For this broadcast a sicario known as El Pantera mutilates an enemy with a machete. 1:21. . The video. Drake leaves his New York City hotel in a rottweiler mask. The killers scalped and skinned their face. No more questions. That’s supposed to a brutal one as well. com. My personal order would be something like: Funky Town, Sponsored By Adidas, Guerrero Flaying, Ghost Rider, the pitbull castration. PeerTube JavaScript required. save. When children are involved it really hits a nerve. MATAMOROS, Tamaulipas — Gunmen with the Gulf Cartel interrogated and executed five members of a gang that carried out robberies and extortion in the border city. I absolutely love this video <3 . So I've been crawling through the rabbit hole that is the Funkytown Gore video. hide. sheesh. barely lol and my personal fav is Funky town gore its the most gruesome thing a human can do to a human use ur imagination dont want any spoilers sbut rumor. 28. Ernst said, depend on this “sea of youngsters. Cartel Members Tearing Apart The Dead Body Of A Rival 12 098 21 0. Another Video The Funky Town Gore Guys - Sadistic Decapitation &. Funky Town Cartel G0re video – Explained. 1. ee/xixalxd. His hands are chopped off and his face is completely peeled off. The gangs, Mr. save. This Episode of Narco Personalities discusses the most Dangerous women in the Narco World. hide. 9/10, be careful. AUTOPLAY Toggle. However, the body that was discovered did have hands, and the victim in funky-town has no hands. Episodes relevant to this one. that was brutal. Jackson shine in The Marvels trailer. on April 4, 2021. Idk about 10 but Guerrero flaying, Funky Town and Ghost rider are my top 3. Hi, also called Narco Football, is a shock video uploaded to goretube. With how much his boy was screaming and fighting back, he wasn't sedated not like the fella in funky town (who had a visible iv in him) who was very lucid but conscious. Rival Cartel Member Interrogated Then Throat Slit 3 250 1 0. . Keep in mind that the man now has now face, no eyes, and no hands. Blog Del Narco No Mercy in Mexico. Please include as much information as you can. No Mercy In Mexico full video. my goodness i can't even fathom how horrible that video is. _. The video does not capture the final moments when they. Os proximos comentarios são uma descrição detalhada do video, não leia se for sensivel: Eu não vi o video, mas vi um video, no youtube, de um canal em inglês que relata todos os detalhes desses videos de gore para que as pessoas curiosas não vejam e saibam do que acontece no video, e em um dos videos ele fala sobre esse "funkytown execution". No Mercy in Mexico Video is a shocking video wherein a dad and child were mercilessly killed by gangsters of a Mexican Cartel.